Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship


“Bud, I believe this is a message from Dad. He can’t contact us by radio, so he’s trying this method.”

“What does the message say?” Bud asked eagerly.

Tom admitted that he was puzzled. Evidently there were not enough symbols for Mr. Swift to send the message exactly. But after a few seconds of thought, Tom added grimly:

“I think the message is a warning that Rotzog took off and is determined to get us!”

“Good night!” Bud cried. “Do you think we can see him in time to avoid him at this speed, even with our radar?”

Tom groaned. “Rotzog’s the most daring enemy I’ve ever had and probably the smartest. I only hope he hasn’t perfected a radar signal good enough that he can pick us up!”

Bud had an inspiration. “You brought that super celestial telescope, didn’t you? Let me look through it.”

Tom took the telescope from a locker, handed it to his friend, and turned to use the transmitter to let his father know he had received the message. Just then a new set of dot-and-dash symbols began coming in. Tom studied the oscilloscope intently. Presently he reported to Bud, great excitement in his voice: “Our race rival has launched his rocket in Australia ahead of time! Only a few minutes after we started!”

“Wow! The sky’s getting jammed with rocketeers!” Bud commented. “Well, at least he’s not planning to destroy us.”


“No, but he is planning to win the race,” Tom reminded his companion.

But Bud was confident of the Star Spear’s, ability. “You have the race sewed up,” he said with a grin.

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