Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

But shortly before noon the Boston Airport called back to say that the plane which had landed at Fearing had been stolen, together with the rightful pilot’s credentials. During the night, the real Edward Gates had shown up to claim his plane and the theft had been discovered. They had waited to call until the rightful owner could prove his identity. The identity of the strange pilot now became an even more baffling enigma.

Tom told the airport official that he would send the stolen plane to the mainland, then went to the infirmary. Upon learning that Drayton was better, he went in to see him.

“Good morning,” Tom said, trying to conceal his agitation. “I understand that you’re being removed to a hospital on the mainland. Before you go, would you mind telling me something more about yourself and your pilot friend?”


“There isn’t much to tell,” Drayton answered. “When I heard from a man in Boston that Gates was flying back to Cincinnati, I invited myself along.”

“But he didn’t go to Cincinnati,” Tom reminded Drayton.

“No. He said he was coming here first-thought I might like to get a look at your rocket project. Then the next thing I knew he was telling me to bail out.”

“And to throw your clothes and credentials in the ocean?” Tom asked.

“I didn’t want to,” Drayton replied, “but I couldn’t swim with my clothes on.”

Tom watched the man intently as he informed him that the plane was stolen and the pilot a phony. Drayton seemed shocked, but merely said: “I know nothing about that. I’d never seen the fellow before, so if he’s a fake, that’s a case for the police, I suppose.”

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