Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

Dr. Carman reported that the saboteur seemed to be suffering from shock more than from any physical injury.

“Even when Eskot is awake,” the physician said, “he’s not rational. Come and listen to him.”

Tom followed the doctor to a private room where a nurse sat, pad and pencil in her hand. She reported that the patient had murmured the same words over and over again.

“He’s starting now,” she said, as Eskot stirred restlessly on the bed and began to mumble.

“Tell … Hein … I carried out … his orders! Yes … Johnson … I got it straight!”

The hoarse voice died away and Eskot lapsed once more into a deep sleep.

But the names he had whispered caused Tom to grip the doctor excitedly by the arm.

“Eskot is tied up with the gang that’s trying to wreck our rocket project!” he exclaimed.


“Well,” said Dr. Carman, “you’ve collared a dangerous member.”

“But there are more where he came from and there may be more on the island right now,” Tom replied. “We can’t relax our vigilance, doctor. Who knows when something else may happen? I think I ought to launch the dummy rocket ship at once.”

“Tom, you’d better take it easy,” the physician pleaded. “Get some sleep-and give your men a few hours’ rest.”

“I guess you’re right.”

That night the tall, silent rockets were so well protected by the contingent of guards that no enemy could possibly have gotten near them. As dawn broke, the island was awake again.

Fuel trucks piped the last gallons of liquid oxygen and alcohol into the dummy rocket ship. Mechanics and engineers bustled about, disconnecting fuel lines.

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