Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

Instantly Tom cut the motors and threw the plane into a yaw. The sudden braking effect which this maneuver produced forced the attacking jet to come up alongside the larger ship. In this position the enemy’s guns could not be brought to bear on Tom.

Tom banked sharply toward the fighter plane un-AN INVENTIVE ESCAPE 85

til his right wing tip was directly underneath the left wing of the other plane.

Then suddenly he flipped up the right wing of the heavy cargo plane, to tip the tiny jet over on its side, and send it downward into a crazy spin.

By the time the enemy pilot regained control, Tom had the throttle wide open and was streaking out of range. Then he put the ship on automatic pilot, turned on the radio, and hurried back to Bud.

He was stunned to see Bud’s head hanging downward, his knees sagging toward the deck. The boy was in agonizing pain!



AS BUD fought bravely to retain consciousness-his eyes were closed and he was panting-Tom realized that his copilot might suffer a permanent arm injury.

From a block and tackle overhead he cut off a length of quarter-inch rope and tied his friend to a stanchion, so that when the door was released, Bud would not be sucked out.

Tom pressed the lever which controlled the door, but discovered that it was not working. Bud must have tried to pull the door shut by hand the last few inches, and his arm had become caught.

Perspiration stood out on Tom’s brow. He had to act fast! Tying himself also to the stanchion, Tom pushed with all his might against the door. It did not budge.

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