Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

“Better wait until we’ve accomplished our mission,” the young inventor suggested with a smile.

As soon as Tom and Bud reached their room, they became serious. The enormity of the trip they were about to make took complete possession of their minds and little was said. By morning, however, the boys regained their high spirits and were eager to start.

“If it weren’t for the Rocket Commission and the other visitors, we could leave right now,” Tom said enthusiastically.

“I suppose we’ll need a send-off,” Bud replied.

With everything in readiness at nine o’clock, Tom asked Harlan Ames to station himself inside the rocket to prevent any possibility of a last-minute sabotage attempt.

“The Star Spear is sealed from this moment,” Tom told him. “No one has any authority to come aboard but Bud and myself and anyone with us. The ship is A STARTLING ASCENT 119

ready to go! Don’t recognize any passes. None will apply from now on.


“Right!” Ames replied. He stationed two men on the ground while he himself went to the pilot’s canopy.

Tom looked at his watch as he stepped off the launcher catwalk. At the same time, an announcement came over the loudspeaker that the Rocket Commission representatives would arrive soon after ten o’clock. The Swifts and Newtons would follow shortly afterward.

“Let’s go down to the airstrip and meet them,” Tom proposed to Bud.

The boys jumped into a jeep and drove off. They had gone only three hundred yards when from behind them came a strange roar. Tom jammed on the brakes and both boys turned to look.

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