Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 03 – And His Rocket Ship

“But I want him to go with me,” Gates said, growing belligerent. “You have no right to keep him here.”


“An unconscious man doesn’t have much choice,” Tom retorted.

Suspicious of the whole episode and wishing to get the stranger away from the rocket project, Tom insisted that Gates depart at once.

“Drayton may come to any time now,” Gates objected. “I ought to get him to a specialist on the mainland.”

Tom decided the matter by telephoning the infirmary. Dr. Carman reported that the strain of combating the rough surf had taxed the patient’s heart and he must not be moved under any circumstances.

“I guess that settles it, Gates,” Tom said with finality. “We’ll gas up your plane if you need it, and you can go-with an escort.”

Gates frowned as Tom whispered to Bud. The latter dashed off, and returned in a few minutes with a stocky blond man about thirty years old.

“This is Phil Radnor of our security police,” Tom said, introducing him to Gates.

Radnor nodded, looked levelly at Gates, and said, “I’ll accompany you to your destination.”

“You’ll what?” the other man gasped, turning scarlet.

“Routine rule of this place to escort unwanted visitors off the island,” Radnor said. “Come on!”

Gates looked from one to another, then shrugged. With the intruder safely in the custody of Radnor, Tom and Bud walked off. Bud went at once to the small house which was headquarters for the boys and


for Tom’s father whenever he came to Fearing. Chow, the Texas ex-chuck-wagon cook who spent part of his time on expeditions with the young inventor, prepared the meals.

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