Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot


1 The Phantom Jet

2 The Headless Giant

3 Amazing Fingerprints

4 Menacing Birds

5 A Rare Capture

6 Narrow Escape

7 A Mechanical Comedian

8 A Suspicious Offer

9 Telltale X-Ray

10 Dead-End Trail

11 Steel Sinews

12 The Secret Recorder

13 Arv Under Suspicion

14 Strange Indian Story

15 A Crucial Test

16 The Vultures Return

17 Marooned on the Mesa

18 Robot Tennis

19 The Watchman’s Confession

20 The Masked Intruder

21 Twin Trouble

22 A Clever Foil

23 Trial by Fire

24 The Giants Clash

25 Ator’s Triumph


Sermek side-stepped but not far enough He managed to snap two shots of the plane and the bird

Cautiously he made his way to the canopy and beamed his flashlight inside Tongues of flame spit from the opening

The robot headed directly for the mayor

Zoltan backed toward the fire door

Marco carefully set the model on the desk in exactly the same position Tom had left it

A blinding flash enveloped the opening above him A formation of up-jutting rocks caught the Skeeter like a giant outstretched hand

The extraordinary sight drew a large audience of plant workers Before the men had recovered from the first attack, a second blast of flame poured from the jet lifters

“He’s got it!” Tom suddenly yelled



“Hey, Tom, take it easy! We can stand only so many G’s, you know.”

“Okay, Bud.”

Tom Swift pulled back on the wheel of his diving jet plane. He had just dropped from thin air into the troposphere. Now, leveling off his delta-wing craft, the eighteen-year-old inventor grinned at the protesting voice from his friend seated directly behind him.

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