Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot


dropped it into a basket, and carefully fitted the new rod into the groove.

“Well, brand my lariat!” Chow called out. “That sure was a neat trick.”

Tom, his eyes twinkling, directed the robot to pick up both batons and twirl them in the manner of a drum major. The intricate juggling was climaxed by a series of tossing spins through the flames. The audience was in an uproar of praise and laughter. Tom himself was pleased at the degree of speed and accuracy with which the robot performed.

“Ator will now demonstrate his artistic ability,” he announced, smiling. “As big chief of the atomic pile, he will be called upon to coat some of the equipment from time to time with rustproof paint.”

Pretending to address his remarks to the robot, Tom instructed him to pick up a bucket of paint and a brush that stood near him.

“Start painting,” the young inventor commanded, at the same time manipulating the controls for vertical arm strokes.

With total disregard for the fire, Ator began to cover the glass-brick wall that faced his audience.

“That’s enough,” said Tom. But Ator continued to paint. “Hey,” the boy chided, “you’re painting out the window! We can’t see you.”

The onlookers laughed as Tom allowed his giant robot to paint himself out of view as a climax to the performance. Then Ator opened the door and stalked onto the platform.


The plant engineers were enthusiastic in their praise and asked Tom how soon the giant would be shipped to the Citadel. In a hushed voice Tom replied: “For security reasons I’m letting it be known that Ator and Sermek will leave next week. Actually they’re going tonight. The moving will be done secretly and without lights.”

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