Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Tom and Bud in the control house saw him move toward the door, but the next instant were diverted by an unexpected sight. Ator had collapsed!

“What happened?” cried Bud.


“I don’t know. The power’s still on. The trouble must be in the tapes.”

Disheartened, Tom was about to click off the controls when Ator revived.

Getting up, the giain weaved clumsily for an instant, then started to run toward Mr. Swift.

The technicians shouted cries of warning to Mr. Swift as Tom fought frantically with the controls.

But the giant robot seemed to have developed a mind of his own!

In a moment his great legs had carried him to Mr. Swift’s side. Ator pounced upon the inventor and seized him between his massive hands.

“Stop him! Stop him!” the onlookers screamed, rushing forward to help.

Desperately Tom tried to cut the power supply, but to no avail. Ator continued his devilish work. Holding his captive high overhead, he waved him back and forth.

Bud had raced from the control house to help the technicians who were attempting to knock down the giant. But Ator remained upright, keeping his balance, despite the combined weight pushing against him. Several men jumped into the air trying to grab Mr. Swift, but none of them could reach him. The robot held on tightly.

By this time, Ator was beginning to close both arms around his helpless victim. That viselike grip, Tom knew, would crush his father!



IN DESPERATION Tom abandoned his struggle to control Ator, realizing there was only one remaining chance: Sermek!

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