Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Herbert’s voice was surprisingly like that of a famous crooner, making the audience laugh all the louder as the robot imitated the singer’s well-known gestures.

Amid tremendous hand clapping the curtain went down. Then, as it arose again for a second bow from Herbert, Bud clicked a knob in his pocket panel.

The robot walked to the front of the stage and stumped down the steps toward the audience. Bud’s plan was to give people in the first row a little scare, then stop Herbert just as he reached them.

As he drew closer, the humanoid machine looked menacing. Had he gone out of control? the audience wondered. Would he harm someone?

“Oh!” cried a girl in the front row, shrinking back in her seat.


Bud decided that the time had come to end his joke. He turned the knob that would cause Herbert to reverse and march back up the steps to the stage.

But, to the boy’s consternation, Herbert continued to advance. Something had gone wrong!



PANICKY, Bud threw the “off” switch of the control panel in his pocket to halt the robot’s rampage. But Herbert continued to advance menacingly toward the audience.

“Tom!” Bud cried. “Let me get past! I’ve got to stop him!”

By this time, Herbert, arms stretched before him, was stalking for the side of the hall, where town officials were seated. The robot headed directly for the mayor of Shopton!

Bud was frantic. “Tom, do something!” he. pleaded.


To Bud’s amazement, his friend did not seem to be the least bit upset.

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