Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

Bud, on the pretext of illuminating the robot laboratory, went ahead and unobtrusively switched on the apparatus.

“While Bud is lighting up the shop, perhaps you’d be interested in this map showing our layout here,” Tom suggested to the suspect, who had now been maneuvered to a position in front of the X-ray machine.

Actually the map contained nothing of vital importance, but while Shanzer looked at it, Tom explained a few minor and well-known functions of 78 TOM SWIFT AND HIS GIANT ROBOT

the assembly-line technique used at the plant. At the same time, several different exposures were being taken of Shanzer.

Tom and Shanzer continued their walk down the corridor. Bud waited to remove and examine the X-ray photographs which had been automatically developed by the machine, and then hastened to rejoin them at the corner.

“Well, Mr. Shanzer,” he said, “what do you think of this place? Personally, I feel that when the Swifts built it they were just about batting a thousand.”

The code phrase for guilty!



TOM UNDERSTOOD the signal perfectly. It meant that Bud had detected something in the X-rays that made him suspect the visitor. Was it surgical pins in his spine?

Before proceeding further, Tom determined to get a look at the X-rays. As they walked on, Bud slipped one of the X-ray photographs into his hand.

Dropping behind, Tom held it up to a light. There was no doubt about it. The man they were escorting was Pins Zoltan!

“He’ll probably make a violent denial when I accuse him,” Tom thought. “And I can’t fight him with that infirmity of his. I’ll let the police handle him.”

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