Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 04 – And His Giant Robot

“As you know, after the atomic pile starts work in its separate concrete shelter,” Tom began, “nothing living could survive in there. Even if the pile’s 105


activities were stopped, and it were emptied of uranium, the radioactivity would kill a man.

“So, until now, repairs on the plant haven’t been possible, in case something should go wrong in it.”

Phyl interrupted to ask what breakdowns could occur inside the plant. Tom said there were many potential difficulties. Leaks might develop in the cooling system which would lead to corrosion. The cadmium rods might wear out, or break, or even become jammed in their sleeves.

“Thermocouples-electric thermometers used to measure the temperature-may require replacement,” Tom went on. “Then, as you know, any building is affected by weather and ground disturbances. The concrete in the inner plant may crack and have to be repaired with mortar. Certain iron parts will rust and these must be painted from time to time-two more very necessary jobs for the giant robot.”

Bud remarked that there was one important use for the robot that Tom had not mentioned. “It has to do with sabotage,” he said.

“How in the world could there be sabotage when the Citadel is so well protected?” Phyl asked.

“Easy,” said Sandy. “Somebody could drop a bomb on the plant.”

“That’s why I’m going to set up a system of drone planes over Dad’s plant,”

said Tom. “Then, too, anyone who got past our security officers might manufacture a bomb that looked like one of the ura-ARV UNDER SUSPICION 107

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