Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“Ready number one!” came a voice from the first listening post.

“Ready number two!”

“Ready number three!” said Voorhees.


“Ready seismology!” reported Dr. MacGregor, who was stationed in the radio cave to maintain contact with seismological and weather stations all over the world.

Tensely, Tom began to count over the mike:

“X minus five, four, three, two, one!”

Then he pushed a button and pulled down a lever. The earth blaster whined into action!

The young inventor glued his eye to a telescope trained on the launching platform atop a scaffold as high as a three-story building. As he watched, the blaster rapidly pierced the ice below and disappeared from view.

Moments later, reports began to come in from the listening posts. The blaster was working perfectly!

Voorhees put out his hand impulsively.

“Congratulations, Tom! Guess I’ve caused a lot of hard feeling because I lacked faith in your ability. But now my hat’s off to you!”

Tom smiled as he shook hands with the blond scientist.

“Forget it. We’ve all been working under a strain, but now let’s hope our troubles are over!”

As if in mockery of Tom’s words, there was a sudden loud rumbling. The ice cave shook, and the ground seemed to quiver beneath them!

Tom’s face went pale as he grabbed the control levers.


“I’m afraid we’ve hit a fault!” he cried.

Quickly he changed the operating direction of the blaster. But the rumbling continued!

Just then, Voorhees pointed out through the open doorway and gave a shout of alarm:

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