Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“You sure this new stuff is milder?” Bud grinned. “Or should I start diving out the window right now?”

“It’s definitely milder,” Tom reassured him. “It’s titanium tetrachloride.”

Using long-handled tongs, Tom reached past the THE WHISPERED CLUE 43

safety shield and poured a drop or two of the catalyst into the flask. Gradually the chemical mixture began to seethe and bubble.

“Looks as if it’s working out all right,” commented Bud. “But it sure smells terrible!”

Tom waited until he was certain the reaction was completed. Then he poured out the contents of the flask, allowed it to cool until it was a rubbery mass, and then proceeded to test the substance in several different ways.

Bud looked on with keen interest. “Well?” he asked finally.

The young inventor’s face wore a pleased smile. “Bud, I believe this new form of asbestalon is all I hoped for and a lot more besides!”

Bud shook his head admiringly. “Chum, I’ve got to hand it to you. I don’t know how you do it, but you always come through with the goods!”

Tom added, “Of course we’ll have to run some more tests on it in the cold lab to make sure it’ll stand up under sub-zero temperatures. Then, if it works out okay, we can have the chemical division start making it up in quantity.”

The door opened and Harlan Ames strode into the room. “Big news!” he exclaimed.

“What’s up?” Tom asked the security chief.

“I think they’ve nailed those two thugs working with Bronich-the ones who tied you up! The State


Police caught two men today who answer the description! Captain Rock wants you to identify them.”

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