Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

The captain agreed.

Western Drive was a broad, spacious thoroughfare that wound along the shore of Lake Carlopa.

“Boy, I’d sure like to go out today in that new THE WHISPERED CLUE 47

sailboat of Sandy’s!” Bud remarked, gazing at the blue, sparkling waters as they drove along.

Harlan Ames was watching the numbers of the houses and apartment buildings. Suddenly he exclaimed, “Look! There’s the place!”

As Tom swerved to the curb and applied the brakes, both boys gave a gasp of astonishment. The building which bore the address of 95 Western Drive was the Excelsis Club, a favorite haunt of wealthy sportsmen! Its front faced the street and the rear of the property backed onto the lake shore.

“Now what would Bronich be doing in a place like this?” Bud exclaimed. “I thought that prisoner was giving us a bum steer!”

“Let’s inquire inside,” Tom said. “At least we can find out if anyone knows him.”

As they were getting out of the jeep, a man emerged from a cluster of cars in the club’s private parking lot and headed toward a side door of the building. Just before entering, he turned his head for a glance at the newcomers, and Tom caught a brief glimpse of his face.

“That’s Bronich!” cried Tom, and made a dash for the side entrance. Bud and Ames followed.

The heavy door, marked PRIVATE, had already slammed shut by the time they reached it. Tom and his friends pounded on it loudly and rattled the handle but got no response.


The three hurried back around the corner of the building and ran up the flagged walk.

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