Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“That’s right.”

The stranger’s eyes narrowed and he shook a ham-like fist in Tom’s face. “By thunder, I oughta whale the tar out of you right here and now!”

Bud Barclay’s jaw jutted out in a surge of anger at the man’s hectoring manner and insulting words.

“Watch where you wave that fist of yours, mister,” he said, “or someone may shove it down your throat -and it might just be me!”


From the way he stepped forward and doubled up his fists, it was clear that Bud meant business. With his husky shoulders and muscular arms he was more than a match for the blustering stranger, but Tom quickly interposed.

“I’ll handle this, Bud.” Turning to the stranger, he said, “Just who are you?”

“Picken-that’s who I am! Charles Picken, head of the Picken Engineering Company. We had this tunnel job all wrapped up before you came along, and now you’ve cheated us out of a half-million-dollar contract!”

“Tom Swift never cheated you or anyone else out of anything!” declared Bud angrily. “The Water Committee was mighty grateful for Tom’s offer, and so is every other civic-minded person in this town!”

Tom said quietly, “I have my own reasons for taking on this project. Besides, Shopton needs water badly, and I’m quite sure I can drive this tunnel much faster than you could possibly handle the job.”

“That’s what you think!” Picken sneered. “But I’ll see to it that you never do complete this tunnel! Take it from me, you’re in for trouble!” He turned away and strode down the hill.

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