Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“That must be Landis, all right,” agreed Bud.

“Whoever he is, he certainly doesn’t seem anxious for a meeting,”

commented Phyl.

The two boats now were engaged in an open chase. Like the Mary Nestor, the other boat was a fast sailer. The man at the helm was evidently heading for a public dock, some distance from the yacht dub.


The Mary Nestor, however, had the wind on the beam. Under Bud’s skillful handling, she came within close range of the other boat. The man at the helm was Jerry Landis! As the boats drew alongside, Tom sprang over the gunwales into Landis’ craft.

Landis put up a brief resistance. But he obviously had no desire to fight with Tom, because sullenly he allowed his adversary to sail the boat back to the yacht basin as Bud and the girls followed.

A few minutes later Tom faced Landis on shore. “All right, let’s have it!” he demanded grimly. “Who paid you to fake that accidental landing yesterday at Swift Enterprises?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” snarled Landis.

“Look!” said Tom, grabbing him by the front of his jersey. “I wouldn’t want to hit you but don’t crowd your luck!”

Tom had no intention of harming Landis, but the threat alone had an instant effect. The pilot seemed to break down completely. Covering his face with his hands, he poured out the whole story.

“It wasn’t my fault! It was Bronich-Ivor Bronich -he made me do it!”

“What do you mean, he made you do it?” Tom asked coldly.

“I owed him money-lots of money! He could have ruined me! But he said he’d cancel the debt if I would fly him into your experimental station. I 88 TOM SWIFT AND HIS ATOMIC BLASTER

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