Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

“What I meant was, I just sold an outfit to another fellow who’s going there,”

the Indian explained. “Maybe you know him.”



“WHAT’S HIS NAME?” Tom asked, startled by the news.

“He called himself Smith,” the Indian replied, “but I doubt that’s his real name because he had a heavy accent.”

“Bronich, I’ll bet!” Bud groaned, as Tom quickly gave Colonel Eagle Friend a description of the subversive Kranjovian.

“That’s the man,” the Indian said. “Your description fits him perfectly. I take it you’ve crossed his trail before!”

“Most of the time, he’s been crossing ours!” Bud declared. “That secret invention he was boasting about really belongs to Tom. Bronich stole the plans for it from Swift Enterprises!”

“He’s actually a secret agent of the Kranjovian 116


government,” Tom added, “wanted by the FBI for espionage and on several other counts. Now it looks as if he’s trying to beat us to the South Pole!”

The young inventor told the colonel about his atomic earth blaster and his plans for tapping iron from the center of the earth.

“Well, at least I can outfit you with a good team of huskies,” said the Indian.

“I’ll give you the best dogs in my kennel.”

Slipping on their coats again, the boys and girls accompanied their host out to the back of his cabin, where the huskies were kept in wire-enclosed runs.

At Colonel Eagle Friend’s approach, the dogs set up a loud, eager barking, jumping up against the wire and wagging their tails frantically. They were of various sizes and mostly black, white, or wolf gray in color. All had slant eyes and a thick ruff of fur around their necks, as well as curling, bushy tails.

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