Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster

Congratulations greeted Tom from all sides as he turned off the motor and stepped from the control booth.

“Bud, I’m ready to start packing for the Antarctic, 130 TOM SWIFT AND HIS ATOMIC BLASTER

right now!” announced the young inventor triumphantly.

Later that afternoon, Miss Trent summoned him to the main building to take a phone call from Senator Rives at Washington. Tom lifted the receiver. “Hello?”

“Tom,” the senator said, “I’m afraid I have bad news for you. You’ll have to call off your South Pole trip!”



THE SHOCKING NEWS that his polar expedition might be called off stunned Tom. “But, Senator Rives,” he said, “the government promised financial support and gave us full clearance for the expedition!”

“I know that, Tom. As senator from your state, I supported your father’s proposal and helped win official backing for the idea.”

“Then why the sudden reversal?”

“No use trying to explain over the phone. I suggest that you come to Washington. Then I can show you just what we’re up against.”

Mr. Swift shared his son’s keen disappointment and wished him success on his trip to the capital. Early the next morning Tom boarded a company jet, and a short time later set the ship down at the



Washington airport. From there, he taxied to the Senate Office Building. A secretary ushered him into Senator Rives’ private office.

The senator, a portly, gray-haired man, rose to shake hands and invited the young inventor to sit down.

“Before you say anything,” he began, “take a look at this stack of letters and telegrams.” With a tap of his hand, the senator indicated a mass of correspondence piled on one corner of his desk.

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