Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 05 – And His Atomic Earth Blaster


As the Sky Queen drew close to the location, Daryl Blake cried out, “Look!


Using his own binoculars, Tom scanned the whiteness below and quickly spotted a string of sled dogs! Banking sharply, he swooped down for closer scrutiny.

Suddenly his view was blanked out by a pelting blizzard. The plane shuddered violently as winds of tornado velocity spun it around!



THE JOLTING SHOCK knocked some of the crew down. Others were slammed against the plane’s bulkheads.

With nerveless skill, Tom fought the controls and righted the ship in a slow roll. But the giant plane continued to yaw and pitch violently in the blasting winds.

“For the love of Mike, what happened?” Voorhees gasped as he struggled to regain his balance.

“Polar blizzard,” Tom replied tersely. “We ran smack into the teeth of it-or it ran into us!”

Watching the instrument dials carefully, Tom poured atomic power into the jet lifters. Instantly the great ship roared skyward, up through the inky gloom of the storm clouds, then leveled off high above the overcast.



Hanson’s jet, which had dogged their trail all the way from the States, was nowhere in sight.

Tom flipped the intercom switch and spoke to the radioman.

“Still in touch with Hanson?”

“Yes, sir. We lost contact for a while when the blow first hit, but now their signal’s coming through fine.”

“Good! Stay tuned to their frequency and try to maintain contact till we get through this blizzard.”


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