Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

The two boys had to maneuver their platforms frantically to avoid being struck. This was doubly difficult for Tom, who had to steer with one hand and cling to Nicky with the other. But, as the missiles continued whizzing past the boys, Tom decided that the onslaught was intended chiefly to frighten them.

“Otherwise, they could’ve hit us long before this,” he thought.

“Challenger calling Tom!” The operator’s voice came over his suit radio, choking with an-AN AMAZING MANEUVER 151

ger. “The Brungarians just flashed us a message. It said: ‘This attack is only to show you that we will not stand for any interference. Return to earth at once or face a real battle here!’ “

Tom thought fast, trying not to let his own rage get the better of him. “Tell them we’ll leave!” he radioed back.

“Tom, do you mean that?” Bud interrupted unbelievingly. “Can’t we-”

Tom cut him short. “Relay the message!” he told the operator.

The boys scooted back to the ship and maneuvered their platforms into the hangar compartment. Bud was red-faced as he jerked off his helmet.

“Tom, do you mean we’re going to let those phonies scare us off the moon?”

he stormed. Other crewmen in the compartment added their protests to Bud’s.

“I said we’d leave,” Tom replied. “That just means leave here-not the moon.”

Grins broke out on the crewmen’s faces as they realized the young inventor had a plan in mind. With Tom in the lead, they hurried up to the flight compartment. Hank flashed a questioning look as he turned over the controls.

“What cooks, skipper?”

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