Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“You sure these babies won’t bite?” Bud asked, eying the animals cautiously.

“They hardly look as if they have enough appetite,” Tom remarked.

“They probably don’t,” Professor Glennon ‘agreed. “I’d say they’re either too sick or too docile to harm us, perhaps both. Look at the way that fellow’s ribs stick out. Probably hasn’t put away a square meal for days.”

“Well, don’t look at me-I’m no candidate!” Bud said hastily.

Chuckling, Glennon went up to one of the dinosaurs, took its head between his hands, and proceeded to inspect its heavy-lidded eyes. His gentle manner and friendly murmurings in Welsh seemed to have a soothing effect on the beast.

Tom and Bud looked at one another, grinning. “You’d think he was an old hand with these space monsters,” Bud whispered.

Meanwhile, Dr. Faber and Jerry Walden were similarly engaged. During the next half hour, they examined all the animals, conferred together, and finally reported to Tom.

“The symptoms are similar to those of Brucellosis,” Jerry announced.


“Is that good news or bad?” Tom asked.

“Both, in a way,” Jerry explained. “It’s a deadly disease which can wipe out a whole herd or species. Humans can contract it, too. On the other hand, we’re lucky because it’s a disease we’re very familiar with on earth.”

Tom glanced at the three scientists expectantly. “Any cure?”

Dr. Faber nodded. “Some of the antibiotics are quite effective. Of course with these strange animals, we’ll have to wait and see.”

Tom was cheered by the news. “Let’s hope for the best!” he said.

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