Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“Perhaps we’d better call in someone who has a thorough knowledge of animal diseases,” Tom suggested.

“I agree, son, and I think Dr. Faber would be a good man to consult.”


Dr. Anton Faber was a government zoologist. He had accompanied Tom’s Antarctic expedition when the young inventor went to drill for molten iron at the South Pole.

“How about Evan Glennon, too?” Tom suggested. “He’s professor of animal husbandry at Grandyke University.”

“I’ll contact both of them right away,” Mr. Swift offered.

Phone calls brought a promise of co-operation from both men.

The next morning the two boys drove to the station in Bud’s red convertible to pick up Professor Glennon on the nine-o’clock train.

“Snt hwyl, Tom! What cheer?” the professor greeted them, seizing Tom’s hand in a crushing grip. He was a short, thick-set, jovial Welshman with a shock of gray hair and twinkling blue eyes.

Tom, who had picked up a few words in Welsh, grinned back at him. “Da iawn, diolch! Very good, thanks. This is my friend, Bud Barclay.”

Bud stuck out his own hand and promptly winced. “Glad to know you, Professor.”

“Look you, lad! The name’s Evan and don’t you forget it!”

Soon after they reached the plant, an Air Force jet touched down on one of the airstrips, bringing Dr. Faber from Washington. The two boys greeted the elderly zoologist warmly.

“Good to have you back with us, Doctor,” Tom said with a smile as they shook hands.


The tall, keen-eyed scientist beamed at them through his thick-lensed spectacles. “Delighted to see you both!”

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