Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Tom studied the tape as Sandy and Phyl looked on anxiously. The interrupted message said:


“It’s a shame the message was interrupted,” said Sandy.

“Somehow the Brungarians must be able to interfere with our space friends’

frequency,” her brother said thoughtfully.

“What can you do, Tom?” Phyl asked.

“Not a thing, I guess, except keep on waiting for the rest of the message.”

“But we can’t wait,” Sandy protested. “Not if we want to get back for the party!”

“How much time do we have?” Bud asked.

“Well, we’re due at seven,” Sandy replied, “and we have to go home and dress.”

Bud grinned. “We’d better work this out on one of Tom’s Little Idiots.”

These amazing miniature computers were the smallest and most compact ever built. The operator simply “talked” his problem into a microphone, and the computer then reeled off the answer on tape.

Tom laughingly produced a computer and Bud began supplying data to the machine. “Now,” declared the copilot, “this little gadget will tell us what time we’ll have to leave here.”


Sandy and Phyl giggled at some of his remarks but pretended to be hurt as he said, “Two hours for girls’ primping, ten minutes for boys to shower and change.”

With a whispered “I’ll be back,” Tom dashed off to his laboratory to pick up some special tools he wanted to take back to Shopton with him. The room, unlike many of the other laboratories, had windows in it. As Tom glanced out of one, he saw a blurred object streak by.

It traveled with an ear-splitting whine, leaving a white vapor trail! An instant later a second object passed over the island-clearly outlined against the rosy glow of the setting sun. This too left a vapor trail!

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