Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon



“DAD, let’s beam a message back and find out if our space friends really sent this request,” Tom suggested.

“A wise precaution,” Mr. Swift agreed.

Tom knit his brows thoughtfully, deciding what to say. Then he began tapping out a message on the electronic brain. He explained how the duplicate translator had been stolen, and asked his space friends to confirm the earlier message. As an extra safeguard, he asked them to transmit their reply in a new set of code symbols never used before.

After completing the call, Tom turned to his father. “If they do answer in new symbols, we may have a tough time translating them, Dad.”

Mr. Swift smiled ruefully. “I’m afraid you’re right, son. But it’ll be worth it to make sure our enemies don’t mislead us.”

“Let’s hope they haven’t jammed our signal!”

Tom switched on the device with an oscillo—



scope-type screen which they had used for receiving space messages before the electronic brain was perfected. Then the two scientists settled down in comfortable chairs to await the reply from outer space.

“Dad, if that business about sending a rocket with animals was true, it’ll be a terrific chance to learn more about their planetary life!” Tom’s eyes lit up at the prospect.

“It’ll be risky, too,” Mr. Swift reminded him. “Don’t forget, son, those animals may be carrying a deadly disease.”

They chatted for a few minutes. Suddenly Tom leaped up from his chair as a flicker of light showed on the scope. “Here comes the reply!”

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