Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Tom was startled. “The morning after our duplicate brain was stolen!”

“Right, skipper! I’d say that’s more than a coincidence.”

Tom crumpled the paper angrily. “Harlan, I bet I know what prompted this announcement.”

He reported the latest message from space. “This may mean they’ll try to beat us to the punch and intercept that rocket!” Tom added.

Ames was furious. He waited tensely as the young inventor plunged into deep thought. Finally, Tom gave a thin smile.

“Maybe there’s a way we can turn this situation to our own advantage.”

“How?” Ames asked.

“By flashing these headlines at the .prisoner I captured last night. We might surprise him into giving away his real identity.”


Ames slammed his fist against his palm. “It might work, Tom. Let’s try it!”

Taking the newspaper with them, they drove to Shopton Police Headquarters. Tom explained his plan to Chief Slater, who eagerly agreed to the experiment.

They found the captured raider lounging on his cot. As the three entered his cell, he looked up sullenly with no show of interest. A dark stubble of beard had sprouted on his surly, heavy-jawed face.

“Heads up, mister. You’ve got visitors!” Chief Slater jerked him upright.

The man glared but said nothing.

Suddenly Tom whipped out the Brungarian newspaper, exposing the headlines. The prisoner gave an excited gasp!



THERE WAS no doubt but that Tom had caught the prisoner off guard.

Before he could recover, a gloating smirk and guttural exclamation escaped his lips!

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