Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“He’s a Brungarian, all right,” Ames snapped.

“Did you catch what he said?” Tom asked.

Ames, who had picked up a working knowledge of Brungarian to aid him in his security work, replied, “It sounded like ‘They did it.’ “

Chief Slater scowled. “Tell him we know his nationality now and he’ll face espionage charges. So he’d better start talking!”

Ames ti-anslated the chief’s words. The prisoner merely sneered and remained silent.

The police chief flushed with anger, but kept his temper. “I’ll notify the FBI.

We’ll get to the bottom of this yet!”

“At least we have something to work on now,” Ames agreed.

“But not much,” said Tom. He was glum as they returned to the plant.



When Tom arrived at his office, he told his father and the other scientists, who were still there, what had happened. “Our captured raider must be a Brungarian. I’m sure now that they translated the message from space last night.”

“Then they’re going to try reaching the rocket containing the animals, just as you suspected?” Jerry Walden asked.

Tom nodded grimly. “I’m afraid it’s the only explanation, Jerry.”

A worried silence fell over the group.

Tom finally shook off his gloomy feelings. “Look,” he said, “there’s no sense letting this get us down. We’ll make all our preparations and be ready to take off as soon as we get word from our space friends. With luck, we can still get there ahead of those Brungarians!”

Evan Glennon pounded the table. “Da iawn. I mean, very good lad-that’s the spirit!”

“You’re right, son.” Mr. Swift got up and put his arm around Tom’s shoulders.

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