Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Tom nodded unhappily. “Right, but those same elements are present in the building ma-A POWERFUL TAKEOFF


terials and window glass, too-for instance, sili-cone, aluminum, iron, and so on.”

“Any way to correct it?” Hank asked.

The young inventor shrugged. “I’ll have to redesign the radiators, so they’ll direct the repulsion wave downward in a much narrower beam. But it’ll take time and we may not have much time left. Anyone hurt, Hank?”

“I think not. All the men were outside watching the takeoff when the walls started to crumble. We’ll check, though.”

Fortunately, the only injuries were minor cuts and bruises from falling fragments. Hank promptly organized a work crew to clear up the debris.

Meanwhile, Tom gave orders for the repelatron


radiators to be removed from the ship. As soon as they were loaded aboard a cargo jet, he and Bud took off for Shopton in it.

At Enterprises the young inventor went to work in his private laboratory, determined to correct the radiator design as quickly as possible.

By nightfall, he had worked out an improved design and turned it over to Art Wiltessa for immediate production. Yawning, Tom leaned back in his chair and stretched his weary muscles. Suddenly a voice behind him said: “How about a nice juicy steak to warm up your innards, pardner?”

Looking around, Tom saw Chow Winkler waddling into the laboratory.

“Sounds mighty tempting, Chow, but I still have some things to attend to.”

“Now don’t argue, son,” the old Westerner protested. “Besides, I got a mystery for you to clear up.”

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