Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Bud darted back to the first-aid cabinet in the flight compartment and returned with a bottle of smelling salts. “Here, sniff some of this!”

A few moments later Tom was able to struggle to his feet with his friend’s assistance.

“Whew! Thank heavens you’re all right, Tom. You really gave me a scare.

What happened?”

“I was checking the hydraulic system,” Tom explained. “I noticed the latch control on this door wasn’t working right, so I started tinkering with it from this side. But, like a dope, I forgot to switch on the blower after I closed the door.”

Bud shook his head, grinning wryly. “Professor, you really are getting absent-minded!”

In spite of Tom’s protests, Bud insisted upon driving him to the infirmary. Doc Simpson checked the youth’s pulse and general condition, and advised him to lie down for an hour or so. Tom fumed, but obeyed orders.

When his rest period was over, Mrs. Swift came into the room, wheeling a lunch tray. Her husband and Sandy followed.


“Hey, what is this-a delegation?” Tom exclaimed in surprise. “I thought you folks were all back in Shopton by now!”

“We didn’t want to disturb you while you were resting.” Mrs. Swift smiled. In a more serious tone, she said, “Besides, there’s another invalid in the infirmary.”

Tom was shocked when he heard about Mrs. Newton’s unfortunate accident.

“I’m certainly sorry. If I’d known, I’d have brought the spaceship back to earth immediately. Will she be all right?”

“Yes. Dr. Simpson says the cuts will heal soon without scars,” his mother reassured him. “Uncle Ned and Phyl are with her now. She’s awake and feeling fine.”

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