Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

“One thing we can do, though,” Tom went on. “I’ll ask Dad to phone Washington and lodge a protest against the Brungarians through the State Department.”


When Mr. Swift heard this, he laid a hand on Tom’s shoulder. “The Brungarian Embassy would deny all knowledge of the matter and refuse to accept the protest. They’d label it ridiculous.”

Tom’s eyes flashed angrily. “They’d have plenty to say if we ever pulled such a trick on them as stealing a highly secret electronic brain!”

Mr. Swift nodded understandingly. “I know, son, it’s pretty maddening. But there’s no point in letting it upset us. If we do, our enemies have scored another advantage.”

“You’re right, Dad.” Tom forced a wry grin. “I just wish I could take these things as calmly as you do.”

He remained upset. When he went to bed, Tom tossed restlessly for hours before he finally fell asleep.

Somewhat later he was awakened by a slight noise. Opening his eyes, Tom saw a stealthy figure, silhouetted in the moonlight, climbing in through his open bedroom window!



SCARCELY breathing, Tom closed his eyes to mere slits. He waited until the intruder was well inside the room. Then, in a flash, he leaped out of bed and grabbed the prowler in a tight arm-lock!

Taken by surprise, the man floundered wildly. Grappling and swinging, he managed to butt Tom in the stomach and they tumbled to the floor in a heap.

As Tom tightened his grip, the man hissed, “I’m Warturo! But don’t get up yet or turn on the light. I’m being watched!”

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