Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 12 – In the Race to the Moon

Nicky, the monkey, was allowed to go first as a joke on the space station crew. He waddled so slowly that Jerry gave him a playful push. “Hurry up there, you slowpoke!”

To his horror, the mascot was catapulted off into space!



JERRY tried to lunge after the monkey, but Tom grabbed him just in time.

“Hold it!” the young inventor cried out, fearful of another mishap. “You and I, Bud! The rest of you stay here!”

The two boys triggered their jet pistols and launched themselves in pursuit.

Already the tiny space-suited creature was whipping far off into the black void.

Only their jet speed enabled the boys to catch up.

“I’ve got him!” Bud called through his mike, reaching out with his clumsy space gauntlets. But he reckoned without Nicky’s skittishness.

Half scared, half playful, the monkey bounded away from Bud. Tom veered to catch him, only to have the tiny animal go flying off in a new direction! A frantic chase followed. Tom perspired nervously at the thought running through his head. What if the little monkey went caroming beyond reach of their safety cables?



Luckily, the two boys finally managed to corral Nicky within their circled arms.

Tom grabbed his pet and hugged him close.

“Whew!” Bud panted over the radio, as they started back to the ship. “Talk about fielding a hot grounder-that little joker’s livelier than a rabbit ball!”

Much relieved by the mascot’s rescue, the group now trooped across the ramp and entered the space wheel. The station crew, who had been watching the frantic scene, were mystified by the tiny figure in the green space suit.

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