Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Challenger to Barclay! Where are you?” It was the voice of the ship’s regular radioman!

The little group of stranded explorers leaped and hugged each other in a frenzy of joy as Bud replied, “You just passed us, Marty! We’re on the other side of the mountain! Come back and you’ll spot us easily enough!”

The radioman explained that all was well



aboard ship. It had not been forced away or boarded. While the others were rescuing Tom and Bud, those on the ship had heard a strange jargon of voices over the radio and a blip had been picked up on the radarscope. Doc, alarmed, had ordered a crewman to race the Challenger out of range of attack.

“It’s probably lucky you did,” said Bud. “We’ll bring our donkeys toward the ship.”

The Challenger came to meet them and soon Tom and his party were trooping safely aboard. They carried with them the still-unconscious figure of Ted Spring.

“Great Scott! Where did you find him?” Doc Simpson exclaimed as they removed Ted’s helmet and space suit. Pale and scarcely appearing to breathe, Ted was laid gently in a bunk.

Tom told about the landing of the second missile and how they had found Ted inside it. “You must save him, Doc,” Tom begged.

“I’ll do my best,” the medic promised gravely.

While the young physician worked over his unconscious patient, Tom went outside again to supervise the transfer of the solartron and the power gatherers aboard the Challenger. When he returned to the ship’s bunkroom, Ted was stirring faintly and seemed to have a better color.

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