Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron



THE boys glared angrily at their captors. The man who had spoken was a short, squat fellow with Asiatic features. His two companions also appeared to be Mongolians. One was nearly bald except for a few strands of black hair brushed across his shiny skull. The other was tall and thin, with catlike amber eyes.

“What’s the big idea?” Bud blazed, ready to take on all three with his fists.

“Are you guys-”

“Hold it, Bud!” Tom put a restraining hand on his friend’s arm. Turning to the leader of the enemy trio, Tom added coldly, “Have you forgotten about that flag of truce you showed?”

With a sneer the man replied, “International law does not carry into space.

Besides, I am doing no harm. I am simply offering you a bargain. And I must remind you, my dear Tom Swift, that you and your friend are now our prisoners!”

Despite a feeling of uneasiness, Tom maintained a bold front. “You’re wrong!” he retorted.



“You three are our prisoners any time we feel like taking over this ship.”

“Exactly what do you mean?” The man’s tone was suddenly different.

“Your missiles can’t harm us, and you can’t get away. Our ship can outspeed this rocket easily. What’s more,” Tom pointed out, “I have a large enough crew to overpower you three in a hurry. And they’ll do just that if my friend and I aren’t allowed to leave this rocket safely!”

Apparently his words struck home. The enemy trio glanced at one another in alarm. Some of the bluster seemed to leave the short, squat leader.

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