Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Bud Barclay came rushing into the infirmary, pale with fright, as Ted nervously awaited the doctor’s report. “Just got the word about Tom’s accident,”

Bud panted. “What happened? How is he?”

“I’m waiting to find out,” Ted replied. “It could be bad.” He gave Bud a brief report of the accident.



Both boys were intensely relieved when the doctor appeared half an hour later and smiled. “You can relax, fellows,” he said. “I’m glad to say Tom’s burns aren’t serious.”

“He won’t be scarred?” Bud asked anxiously.

The doctor shook his head. “No, the burns are mostly surface-painful enough-but they should heal quickly. Tom will have to stay in the hospital overnight, but I believe we can take the dressings off tomorrow.”

“Thank goodness!” Bud sighed.

“May we see him?” Ted asked.

“Certainly, but don’t keep him talking too long. Tom’s system has suffered a slight shock, so rest is the best treatment now.”

As the two boys entered the room, Tom grinned at them through his bandages. He was propped up comfortably in bed.

“What are you trying to do, pal-masquerade as an Egyptian mummy?” Bud asked, grinning.

“The name is King Tut, please,” Tom replied. “Down on your knees and knock your head three times against the floor before you address me.”

“Sounds pretty lively for a mummy,” Ted remarked to his companion.

Bud nodded, pretending to scrutinize the patient with a frowning air. “He’ll live, I guess. Once they start wisecracking, it’s usually a hopeful sign … Oof!”

The last remark came in a stifled grunt as Bud ducked to avoid a well-aimed pillow!

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