Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Ted’s father got into a slip stream so strong that the servo unit on one of the elevators couldn’t stand the high speed. Its booster-control action went out.

Without it, Mr. Spring didn’t have the strength to control the wheel, rudders, etc.

The report concluded that the plane failed under stress, not that any part had been faulty or tampered with.”

“Just the same,” Bud grumbled, “that guy Hampshire’s out to make trouble, and if he tries hard enough, he’ll succeed in throwing suspicion on Enterprises.”

Tom continued eating his apple for a few mo—


ments. “Bud, let’s suppose some enemy did tamper with one of the servo units and caused the crash on purpose.”

“Okay, let’s suppose,” his chum retorted.

“If Hampshire does know something, it could be that the same person who slipped him the ir. formation, may have been responsible for the tampering. In fact, that same enemy may even have planned the whole thing to pry out information on our latest plans and inventions.”

“You mean,” said Bud, “that Hampshire may be the front man for someone a lot more dangerous?”

“Right!” Tom tossed his apple core away and stared, frowning, out the window at the desert landscape. “It’s something to think about, Bud. We’d better be on our guard.”

The conversation was interrupted by a “Hi, skipper! How are you feeling?”

The two boys turned to see Ted Spring enter the room. Both Tom and Bud wondered if the telephone call from Hampshire the previous evening might have stirred up any feelings in him of suspicion or resentment against the Swifts. But Ted wore a cheerful smile.

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