Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

As Tom hesitated, his father spoke up. “That


might be a good idea. You could observe the feminine reaction to space travel.” He chuckled. “I’ve heard they’re better in their behavior than men.”

“Oh, Dad, you’re wonderful!” Sandy cried, popping up from her chair to give her father a hug. “Then it’s all settled.”

Dinner proceeded to the accompaniment of frequent laughter and banter among the Swifts and their guests. As they were eating dessert, apple pie a la mode, the phone rang and Sandy went to answer it.

“For you, Ted,” she informed him.

Ted excused himself to take the call. When he returned to the table a few moments later, his face was very pale. The others noticed his concern with alarm.

“I do hope it wasn’t bad news, Ted,” Mrs. Swift said.

Ted shrugged uneasily as he resumed his place. “I’m not sure how to take it,”

he replied. “I’ve just been threatened!”



TED’S announcement brought gasps of dismay from his listeners.

“Who was it?” Tom questioned. “That Mr. Hampshire again?”

Ted shook his head. “This time the caller gave no name, but I’m sure the voice wasn’t Hampshire’s.”

“What did he say?” Mr. Swift asked.

“He asked me if I was going to co-operate with Hampshire,” Ted replied.

“When I told him no, he became furious and said, ‘If you don’t, your life won’t be worth a plugged nickel!’ “

Bud broke the tense silence that followed. “Ted, it looks as if the only safe place for you will be the space outpost-or the moon!”

Mrs. Swift, with her usual motherly concern, had a more practical suggestion.

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