Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“All the more reason to take no chances,” Doc urged. “I’ve been developing a serum to counteract such ‘truth’ drugs. If you like, I could give you all a shot of it right now.”

“An antitruth serum?” said Tom. “Dad, I think that’s a good suggestion.”

Mr. Swift agreed, as did Bud and Ted, so all four bared their arms. A nurse swabbed their skin with alcohol, and Doc Simpson then admin-ANTITRUTH SERUM 59

istered the serum to each one by hypodermic needle.

“Boy, we didn’t know what we were getting into.” Bud grinned as he rolled down his shirt sleeve. “Next time, I’ll keep my bumps to myself!”

Tom chuckled. “Remember, it’s all in the cause of science!”

After exchanging good-nights, Bud and Ted retired to the Enterprises guest room, while Tom and his father drove home. Reaching it, the Swifts retired at once. Tom fell asleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.

It seemed only minutes later when the young inventor was awakened by the loud ringing of his bedside telephone. Tom groped sleepily for the instrument and glanced at the radium dial of his wrist watch.

“Twenty past midnight!” he groaned inwardly. “Hello-Tom Swift Jr. speaking.”

A man’s muffled voice spoke. “Don’t think you’ve fooled us, Swift. The Springs ain’t safe-• or you and your family either!”

“Who is this?” Tom snapped, now thoroughly awake. He was trying to figure out if the speaker was one of the men he had overheard in the woods.

But the receiver had already clicked at the other end of the line. Realizing there was little chance of tracing the call, Tom hung up. He lay awake for nearly an hour, mulling over the

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