Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron


threat. There was no question now but that he as well as Ted had become involved in some mysterious plot.

“But what exactly is the reason?” he kept asking himself. “The publication of the Journal? There must be more to it than that.”

Next morning he reported the matter at once to the security department. “I don’t like this,” said Ames. “For Pete’s sake, Tom, watch your step.”

On the way to the laboratory, Tom was hailed for a conference with his father on the technical papers for the Enterprises Journal.

“Looks like a swell first issue, Dad,” Tom remarked enthusiastically.

“Yes indeed, son,” said Mr. Swift. “I think we can all be proud of it. You know, Tom, this has been a dream of mine ever since we founded Swift Enterprises. I look forward to the day when scientists all over the world can exchange their findings freely for the good of mankind.”

Tom, too, cherished the same dream. “I’m sure that day will come, Dad,” he asserted.

Gathering up the papers, he turned them over to a young secretary to be taken to the printer. Miss Warner was substituting for the vacationing regular secretary, Miss Trent.

Tom now phoned Arv Hanson, asking him to come to the office. Arv, a hulking six-footer, was the Swifts’ chief modelmaking engineer. A fine precision craftsman, Arv turned out the delicately tooled models of all the Swifts’ major inventions.


One example of his handiwork, standing on Tom’s desk, was a blue plastic model of the young inventor’s jetmarine. Another was a small silvery replica of the Star Spear, Tom’s first rocket ship.

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