Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Guess we may as well go back, fellows,” Tom decided at last, satisfied with the results so far.

Neither of his companions replied. Surprised, Tom glanced at them, and noticed for the first time that both appeared drowsy. Bud was slumped in the copilot’s seat, apparently almost half asleep.

“Hey, fly boy! Wake up!” Tom gave him a gentle shake.

To his amazement, the copilot’s head lolled back. Bud’s eyes flickered queerly and his breathing seemed heavy and labored. As Tom stared at him, he heard a loud thump. Springing up from his seat and whirling around, he saw that Ted had collapsed on the deck!

“What’s wrong?” Tom gasped. He moved to assist Ted and discovered to his horror that his own legs felt weak!

After staggering a few steps, Tom had to lean against the bulkhead to support himself. His head was spinning and he felt slightly nauseated. Something must be wrong with the oxygen supply!

“I-I’d better switch to the regular system,”


Tom muttered. But his words trailed off. He seemed overcome by an urge to sleep. As he reached for the air-conditioning switch, he slid to the deck in an unconscious heap!

Some time later, Tom was awakened by a loud voice crackling over the radio. He was still too groggy to make out the words. By the time he gathered his wits, the voice had ceased.

“Where am I?” he wondered. Gradually he remembered how both his companions had lost consciousness. “I must have blacked out too!”

With a tremendous effort of will, he struggled to his feet and looked at the switch for the air-conditioning system. He had managed to turn it on part way.

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