Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Somehow that reflector motor got just enough flow of current to turn it toward the sun. To make sure that doesn’t happen again when some-94 SPACE SOLARTRON

one’s working on the setup, I plan to install a thermostatic alarm system.”

At this point, Bud, who had slipped away a few moments before, walked into the compartment. He was carrying a small wrapped package. “For you, Chow,”

he announced, handing it to the chef. “A small token of my esteem.”

Grinning proudly, Chow unwrapped the package. The next moment his grin turned to open-mouthed amazement. Inside lay a small green Texas lizard! Its beady eyes stared up at the old cowpoke as its throat pouch slowly pulsed in and out.

“Great balls o’ fire!” For a moment Chow could scarcely believe his eyes, then he turned to Tom. “Brand my prairie cactus, boss, did you make this here critter with that machine o’ yours?”



“NOT guilty, pardner!” Tom grinned.

Chow was baffled. “Well, brand my wild turkey soup, where did this come from?” he muttered, stroking the lizard with his finger. “Poor li’l varmint-I’ve never seen one so far from home before!”

“Confidentially, it arrived by flying saucer,” Bud said with a straight face. As Chow glowered at him suspiciously, Bud exploded with laughter. “Okay, okay.

Don’t get mad, old-timer. I just borrowed it from the zoology lab!”

Chow was too good-natured to take offense at the joke. Besides, he was touched by the sight of the little reptile from his home range. “Jest for that, I’m a-keepin’ this critter for a mascot,” he declared. “I’ll call him Li’l Ole Alamo.”

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