Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Tom cruised around the satellite, remembering most of the terrain from his previous visit. Neither radar nor telescope, however, detected any sign of a recent landing.

“What do you think, skipper?” asked Arv, breaking the silence.

“Hopeless. I’m afraid,” Tom replied in a dejected voice.

Suddenly Bud snapped his fingers. “Hey! Why not call your space friends, Tom? They seem to know almost everything that goes on. In fact, maybe they had something to do with your dad’s disappearance!”

Tom brightened at the suggestion. “Smart thinking, Bud. It’s worth a try.”

Some months before, the Swifts had received their first message from the space people. It had been etched on a black meteorlike missile which 104 SPACE SOLARTRON

had plunged to earth at Enterprises. Tom and his father had been successful in translating the queer mathematical symbols on the missile. Later, they had “talked” to the senders in code, using a powerful transmitter. Incoming signals were picked up on a new type of oscilloscope which Tom had invented.

Arv now took over the ship’s controls while the two boys hurried down to the radio compartment. Tom beamed out a message, explaining the situation and asking for information about Mr. Swift and Ted.

Minutes went by. Both boys watched the scope intently. But no symbols flashed on the screen.

Tom’s heart sank. “Bud,” the young inventor said grimly, “it begins to look as if Dad and Ted have been kidnaped!”



“KIDNAPED!” Bud exclaimed. “You mean by your space friends?”

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