Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“So I gathered,” said Tom dryly. Inwardly he was wondering if the man might be putting on an act. Could it be that Joss was a spy, connected with the kidnapers responsible for his Dad’s and


Ted’s disappearance? “Mind telling us how you expected to land on the moon and get back to earth safely all by yourself?”

“Maybe it was foolhardy,” Joss admitted, “but I saw no reason to risk someone else’s life.”

The rescued rocketeer was in his thirties, stockily built, and had thinning reddish hair. He explained that his father, a fabulously wealthy man, was owner of the Joss Manufacturing Company. He and his son had hoped to gain publicity by the moon-rocket stunt.

“Mighty expensive publicity if it had cost you your life,” Bud observed.

“I guess you’re right,” Joss said ruefully. “But when I started out, I really thought I could make it.”

Tom questioned him further, and finally decided that Joss had had nothing to do with the disappearance of his father and Ted Spring. Moreover, he had not seen them or picked up any messages.

“We’ll take you to our space station and send you back to earth safely,” Tom promised. “Sorry we can’t offer you much hospitality, but our installation up here is top-secret. Government orders, you understand.”

“Sure, sure, I realize that,” Joss replied. “Believe me, I’m grateful to you for saving my life. I’d have gotten mighty tired of orbiting around here for the next umpteen million years!”

Tom knew from the shuttle-rocket schedule that a ship was due from Fearing Island within

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