Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

Bud, standing nearby, whistled. “Wowie! Those electric transformers are real giants!” The copilot pointed to several huge transformers, encased in cast-iron “pots,” being loaded onto the jet.

Tom smiled. “Yes. They’ll be essential for my experiments at the Citadel.”

At last, with cargo and crewmen aboard, Tom took his place at the controls.

Bud occupied the copilot’s seat, while Ted Spring also joined them in the flight compartment. At a signal from the


tower, Tom opened the throttle and the jet roared down the runway.

Soon they were streaking westward above the clouds.

Bud grinned with sheer enjoyment. “Space flight or air flight-it’s sure a thrill!”

The next instant, all three were startled by a loud crash in the cargo compartment. Then came a piercing scream!



“GOOD night! What was that?” Ted gasped.

“We’d better find out,” Tom said. “Take over the controls, Bud!”


As the husky copilot focused his attention on the dials and flight instruments, Tom dashed out of the compartment. Ted was close behind him. They made their way along the passage leading to the cargo hold. Groans and cries of pain continued.

“Something terrible has happened!” Ted muttered.

Reaching the cargo compartment, they saw that one of the giant transformers had broken loose from its cradle, pinning a crewman named Jess Brown against the bulkhead. The flight engineer and radioman were struggling to free him.

“Give us a hand, skipper!” the radioman cried desperately.



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