Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“How about giving your space solartron another workout?” Bud suggested, to keep his friend’s mind occupied. “You still haven’t tried combining any of those elements you concocted and making some food.”

The idea intrigued Tom enough to try it. “I’ll start with some simple compounds,” he said.

After boarding the Challenger, the two boys, Chow, and Doc Simpson unloaded the power gatherers and put them in place on the outside of the ship.

The helium was sent into the tubing, then the watchers crowded into the compartment where the solartron was set up. They watched in fascination as Tom switched on the current and adjusted the controls.

“What’ll it be first, skipper?” Doc asked.

“Let’s try making sugar,” Tom decided. “All it takes is carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.”

He pushed several buttons on the element and isotope control panels, then watched the wave pattern closely on the oscilloscope. Minutes later, he stopped the machine. Over a pound of sugar had crystallized in the receiving tank!

“Wai, I’ll be a locoed bronc!” Chow gasped. He scooped up some of the glistening white grains unbelievingly. “You sure this stuff is sugar, son?”


Tom tested some with a Swift spectroscope, then nodded, grinning. “Taste it.”

Chow did so, somewhat gingerly. His sun-bronzed leathery face cracked into a broad smile. “Boss, this takes the cake!” he exclaimed. “Machine-made groceries! Brand my coyote cutlets, I never would ‘a’ believed it!”

“Chow,” said Tom, “get me some spoons, dishes, a bowl, and an egg beater from the galley, will you?”

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