Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

As the cook hurried off, Tom resumed his production of simple food compounds. He made citric acid, several fats resembling corn oil, a gelatinlike protein substance, and finally water. When Chow returned with the utensils, Tom mixed the gelatin in water, added some sugar and citric acid, and set the mixture aside to jell. Finally he whipped the fats, water, and the remaining sugar into a texture similar to whipped cream.

“To top off our lemon gelatin,” Tom explained. The others were speechless.

After it had jelled, Tom served a dishful to each man. In a moment they were smacking their lips and pronouncing the concoction delicious.

“It’s nourishing too,” said Doc Simpson. “A person could live on it indefinitely.”

“Of course, sirloin steak and onions might taste good for a change, every so often,” Bud remarked.

“Give me time.” Tom grinned. “With a lit—


tie experimenting, I might come up with something that tastes like steer.”

“Reckon the Texas cattle business is safe for a while yet,” Chow remarked.

“But this stuff sure tastes a heap better’n some o’ them dried-up rations we used to take on space cruises!”

“Better watch out, Chow, or this solartron may put you out of business,” Bud teased.

“A good cook ain’t never out of a job, son,” Chow retorted calmly.

“You can say that again, Chow!” Tom chuckled, slapping the old Westerner fondly on the back.

After much urging, Tom was persuaded to lie down for a nap. He found himself more tired than he realized and finally dropped off to sleep. But almost at once, it seemed, his radio was flashing him awake. Ken Horton was calling from the space station.

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