Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 13 – And His Space Solartron

“Let’s try that range of hills,” Tom suggested, pointing to the left. “They look as if they might offer some good hiding places. Our enemy may be lurking in them.”


Flying about fifty feet above the ground, the boys skimmed over the lunar landscape. Rocks, crags, and canyons were etched in sharp detail under the pitiless glare of sunlight. The terrain was mostly gray, tan, and rust-colored.

“There’s another crater on our right,” Bud signaled. “Want to swing over for a look?”

At that moment their flying platforms were approaching a deep crevasse.

“Sure, might as well,” Tom responded. “Keep your eyes open for a-”

His words changed to a startled cry, taken up by Bud, as their repelatron platforms suddenly tipped. The next moment, the boys toppled from their flying donkeys and plummeted straight toward the abyss!



“USE your jet pistol, Bud!” Tom cried urgently over his radio.

Both boys triggered their suit jets repeatedly as they plunged downward. The blasts served to brake their fall somewhat, but were not powerful enough to hold them in mid-air.

“No use,” thought Bud despairingly.

Turning and twisting, the boys plunged into the crevasse, struck the sloping sides, and caromed downward. With stunning impact, they landed at the bottom of the chasm!

For several moments Tom and Bud lay still. Fortunately, the moon’s low gravity had greatly lessened the force of their fall. Their pressurized space suits and tough plastic helmets had also protected them from cuts and bruises.

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