Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope


“There’s another possibility,” he said grimly. “It could be sabotage.”

Tom’s remark shocked his listeners. “You mean somebody slit the hose on purpose-just since we’ve arrived here?” Doc exclaimed. “But why?”

Tom shrugged. “Wish I knew the answer. Someone seems to have it in for us.” He related how the ship’s helium tanks had been emptied.

Realizing that the youth was in earnest, Chief Rodriguez demanded, “If there is a criminal at large, why did you not tell me, senor?”

“I had no definite evidence,” Tom replied. “In fact, I still haven’t. Even this hose leak could have been an accident.”

“If you’d crashed, it would have been murder!” Doc Simpson declared angrily.

Tom frowned. “Somehow I don’t think our enemy-if we have one-is trying to get rid of us,” he mused. “All he accomplished by opening the helium cocks was to ground the plane. Same with this hydraulic leak, only I took the ship up too soon.”

Stu Kern replaced the leaky hose and refilled the hydraulic system. He also insisted that every inch of the paraplane be checked. Police Chief Rodriguez and his two constables, still suspicious, fumed at this new delay.

Suddenly the noise of a car engine was heard through the trees. Moments later, a jeep pulled into the clearing with a Mayan driver at the wheel.


Beside him sat a plump, olive-skinned man with a black mustache. He was wearing shorts and a sun helmet, and clutched a brief case in one hand.

Climbing out, he looked at the group questioningly. “Sefior Tom Swift?”

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