Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“All I can say is, it’s a good thing all of us don’t have to walk home,” Tom replied with a chuckle.

The seven natives were overcome with awe at sight of the huge jet plane. In their halting Spanish, they plied Tom with questions and compliments about the “big bird from sky.”

“They sure are pint-sized,” Slim remarked as he watched the natives inspect the ship from all sides with excited-sounding comments in Mayan.

“True.” Tom nodded. “But good friends to have in country like this.”

Climbing aboard the plane, he soon made radio contact with the plant in Shopton. George Dill-ing, the Enterprises radio chief, summoned Tom’s father, who spoke over a microphone in his office in the main building.

“How are things going, son?” the famous scientist asked. “Did you pick up the Mayas for the medical research project at Grandyke?”

“Yes, Dad, but Slim will bring them. I can’t come back right away.” Tom related the misfortune that had left the paraplane grounded. “We’ll need new tanks of helium. But there’s something more important than that. I’ve made a terrific discovery!”

Breathlessly Tom described the sacred stone


with its symbols which told of a landing by a space armada.

Mr. Swift was amazed. “Tom, this may be far more important than the medical project!” he exclaimed. “A landing here on earth by space creatures centuries ago! Why, it staggers the imagination!”

“It sure does,” Tom agreed. “Another thing, Dad. If that first space fleet met with disaster, it may explain why our present space friends feel they don’t understand our atmosphere and are afraid to try entering it.”

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