Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope

“What’s even more amazing,” Tom told Bud, “the old Mayas were first to develop an accurate calendar and to reckon time from a fixed date. They were able to figure out the length of a year so closely that their calendar was actually more accurate than the one Americans were using at the time George Washington was born.”

“Must’ve been smart cookies,” Bud said, im—


pressed. “It’s strange how such a great civilization as theirs could decline.”

“You must read this book, Bud. Right now I’d better stop talking and hit the trail. I’ll come by jeep, so I can bring along the fresh tanks of helium.”

“Swell! See you soon, skipper,” Bud said, and signed off.

The minutes dragged by slowly as he and Chow waited for Tom to appear.

The Texan passed the time by whittling a wooden doll for Ahau Quetzal’s little daughter.

It was almost two hours later when they heard the roar of a jeep’s engine in the distance. “Here comes Toml” Bud exclaimed.

He decided to take a short cut through the jungle and meet his approaching pal on the trail. Bud plunged among the trees but had gone only a short distance when he stopped short with a startled cry.

“The giantl” Bud gulped, as a huge, hairy, half-naked white man loomed out of the tangled shrubbery, blocking the boy’s path. He was clad only in a loincloth, with sandals made of palm fibers. His long flowing hair hung down to his shoulders.

Seeing Bud’s horrified look, the man threw back his head and gave a deep booming laugh. As Bud stepped back, seeking to dodge out of his way, the MIGHTY MAX 63

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