Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 14 – And His Electronic Retroscope


Tom and Bud looked at each other, mystified. “What skinny little guy?” Bud asked. “Someone from our camp? Or a native?”

“Search me.” The wrestler shrugged. “It was dark and I got only a glimpse of a figure. I just wanted to get a look at your plane, that’s all. Guess he did, too.”

“What happened?” Tom put in.

“Nothing. When he spotted me, it must’ve scared the wits out of him!” Max guffawed at the recollection. “Anyhow, he went hightailing it off through the bush.”

“Toward the Mayan village?” Tom went on.

“Nope. Now you mention it, he headed in a different direction-over that way.”

The giant pointed north.

Tom and Bud mulled over this information thoughtfully. Chow was still staring at the bare-chested strong man with keen interest.

“Aren’t you skeered o’ jaguars?” the cook asked.

“Jaguars?” Max laughed scornfully. “Naw! I just kill ‘em with my bare hands I”

He went through the motions of crushing a jaguar.

Chow clucked in amazement. “Brand my coyote cutlets, / sure wouldn’t want to live down here for good with all them wild varmints runnin’ around loose. I mean, it jest ain’t safe!”

This seemed to rouse the wrestler’s curiosity about Tom’s group. “What’re you fellows doing here in the jungle, anyway?” he asked.


“We’re interested in studying the old Mayan stone carvings,” Tom said cautiously. “I’d like to see some of your relics if we get a chance. Maybe we’ll take you up on that invitation to visit your cave.”

“Sure, you do thatl” the giant boomed. “Any time! It’s over that way.” He jerked his thumb toward the east, then gave each one a resounding slap on the shoulder. Bud and Tom winced, while Chow’s knees almost buckled.

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